projektado magazine: issue 1

Published by projektado collective

As historically hidden identities emerge out of enforced invisibilisation and entire communities employ new tools and technologies to hide, anonymity simultaneously acts as a catalyst for opposing forces: empowerment, resistance, rebellion, protection, mystery, invisibility, negligence, discrimination.

Issue 1 of projektado collective, titled ‘Anonymity in design’, explores the concepts of identity, authorship, and ownership in design and beyond, making use of a multi-media digital publication to provide an accessible platform for those willing to listen or to engage into a conversation about the extended field of design and its futures.

Through international and multi-disciplinary collaborations present across the 16 pieces that compose this magazine, Anonymity in design explores the potential of diversity and open collaboration in knowledge creation and research. This issue was the first full-length magazine produced by projektado and it involved contributions from Silvia Aru, Camillo Boano, Olivia Cheng, Aïssatou Diallo, Sarri Elfaitouri, David Li, Samar Maqusi, Gösta Marsden, Katharina Pfützner, Fernando Silva, and Carlotta Trippa.

The issue was designed and developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provided a space for interactions for a number of researchers and practitioners, some of which were contacted directly by the collective, and others who were selected as part of an open call. The reliance of this multi-media publication on a digital platform, and simultaneously the decision to maintain a physical feel to the magazine, intertwined these different dimensions of design and production in a complex whole, pushing us to develop expertise in diverse and dynamically changing aspects of content creation and divulgation.

projektado collective

projektado magazine: issue 1, editorial

projektado magazine: issue 1, the absurdity of streamling

projektado magazine: issue 1, shenzhen, sharing and shanzhai

read issue 1